Our first-time buyer mortgage calculator is designed to answer essential questions like 'how much mortgage can I afford?' and 'how much can I borrow?' Get personalized estimates on affordability and loan amount.

Estimate Monthly Mortgage Payments for First-Time Buyers in the USA

First-time buyer? Easily calculate your monthly mortgage payments with our user-friendly mortgage calculator. Compare today's rates and ensure you’re ready to take the next step toward homeownership.

Enter the values below to calculate how much your mortgage will cost


Loans are typically over 25 years.

See How Much You Can Borrow for Your First Home in the USA

Use our affordability calculator to find out how much mortgage you can get. Factors like credit history, monthly expenses, and joint mortgages play a role in determining your borrowing amount.

Enter the values below to calculate how much you can borrow


We’ve left this blank, but add in your partner’s income if relevant.

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