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Listing ID: HSF5ea7a7a0

Flat for sale in Anerley Station Road SE20, Penge


5 hours ago

Price: £300,000

SE20 , Bromley , London

  • Residential
  • Flats/Apartments


Chain Free
Double glazing


Nestled in the heart of Anerley Station Road, SE20, Penge, this charming flat offers a delightful living space for those seeking comfort and convenience. Boasting a reception room perfect for entertaining guests, two cosy bedrooms for peaceful slumber, and a generous sized bathroom for relaxation, this property is ideal for individuals or small families.

Built between 1980-1989, this flat exudes a timeless appeal with a touch of contemporary flair. The allocated secure parking ensures your vehicle is safe and sound, while the added bonus of a balcony allows you to enjoy a breath of fresh air without leaving the comfort of your home.

Situated on the ground floor, this flat offers easy access and convenience. The open plan kitchen and reception area create a seamless flow, perfect for both everyday living and hosting gatherings. Additionally, being within walking distance from Anerley Park Station, commuting is a breeze for those working or exploring the city.

Don't miss the opportunity to make this charming flat your new home sweet home in the vibrant neighbourhood of Penge.

Bromley Council Tax Band D £1,950 per annum
Lease 108 years
Service Charges £2,000 per annum
Ground Rent £125 per annum

The vendor has provided the above information in good faith. Galloways have not yet had this information verified. Any buyer should seek their own independent legal advice before proceeding.

Safeguarding Your Information
Important information regarding cybercrime. It has come to our attention that computer hackers are seeking to target property transactions to access funds. As we understand it, they will either hack a phone, tablet, or pc, maybe by sending out a random email that mistakenly gets opened, or even whilst opening a website, which gives them access to that machine. The reason for us mentioning this to you is to alert you that once they have gained access, they can monitor email correspondence, without you knowing, throughout a transaction. Then, at a relevant point, e.g. Just before the exchange of contracts, they can send an email to a client mirroring that of their solicitor asking for funds to be transferred to a certain bank account. That money then, of course, disappears. Fortunately, we have not had such an instance but, feel it important to highlight the fact that if you do receive an email requesting funds, it is worth checking with the person concerned by phone that it is genuine and the bank details are correct, before sending money. This could, of course, affect other areas of finance beyond the property. Solicitors are starting to highlight this point now, but for safety, we would urge you to be vigilant and check before sending money or passing on any personal details regarding any bank or credit card information.

The Property Misdescriptions Act 1991
These particulars are set out as a general outline in accordance with the Property Misdescriptions Act (1991) only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Details are given without any responsibility, and any intending purchasers, lessees or third parties should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. We have not carried out a structural survey and the services, appliances and specific fittings have not been tested. All photographs, measurements, floor plans, and distances referred to are given as a guide only and should not be relied upon for the purchase of carpets or any other fixtures or fittings. Gardens, roof terraces, balconies as well as tenure and lease details cannot have their accuracy guaranteed for intending purchasers. Lease details, service charge, ground rent are given as a guide only and should be checked and confirmed by your solicitor. No person in the employment of Galloways has any authority to make any representation or warranty in relation to this property. Purchase prices, rents, or other prices quoted are correct at the date of publication and, unless otherwise stated, exclusive of VAT.

Data Protection
We retain the copyright in all advertising material used to market this Property.

Disclosure of Referral Fees
As well as your obligation to pay Galloway's commission or fees where applicable we may also receive a commission, payment, fee, or other reward or other benefits (known as a Referral Fee) from ancillary service providers for recommending their service to you. We believe you may benefit from using the services of our solicitors, independent financial advisors and surveyors, the Providers, who are known as Lewis Nedas Law, Bargate Murray Solicitors, Hawke Financial Services and map Surveyors. Galloways always refer sellers and purchasers to Lewis Nedas Law, Bargate Murray Solicitors. It is your decision whether you choose to deal with the named companies. Should you decide to use Lewis Nedas Law, Bargate Murray Solicitors, you should know that we would receive a referral fee of £180.00 inc VAT from them for recommending you to them. Galloways routinely refer to all potential purchasers and vendors to Hawke Financial Services. It is your decision whether you choose to deal with Hawke Financial Services. In making that decision, you should know that we receive benefits from Hawke Financial Services. The amount depends on the property value and level of mortgage. A share of this fee is received by Galloways, the details of which are available upon request.
Galloways offer all of our customers the opportunity to use the services of map surveyors. It is your decision whether you choose to deal with map surveyors. You should know that Galloways receive a referral fee of £50.00 inc VAT from map Surveyors for recommending you to them. You are not under any obligation to use the services of any of the recommended providers, though should you accept our recommendation the provider is expected to pay us the corresponding Referral Fee. The Referral fee is separate from your obligation to pay our own fees or commission.

Location On The Map

SE20 , Bromley , London